It would be easy to dismiss former Prime Minister
John Howard’s address, to acolytes in London, presented at the invitation of
climate sceptic and former UK Chancellor Lord Lawson. Over at New Matilda Ben
Pobje has done
that. So have others including Guy Rundle and Max Gillies in their 2002
production Your Dreaming: Poets,
Pontificators and Expatriates and Jonathan Biggins and others at the Sydney
Theatre Company satirise numerous politicians and others every year in their
Lots of people take seriously what John Howard says.
His speech has gained a lot of media attention, a media which for the most part
has given scant attention to the overwhelming scientific evidence for human
induced climate change and its likely damaging consequences, as pointed out by Wendy Bacon of the Centre for Independent Journalism at the
University of Technology Sydney.
Unfortunately, to respond to Howard’s remarks is
likely to only reach those who already consider the science of climate change
to be valid and the Fifth IPCC Report just released to be further evidence of
that. Stephan Lewandowsky, now of Bristol University, like others, has cogently
argued on numerous occasions why climate change science and science in general faces
scepticism. Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway have done so specifically pointing to
similarities with the campaign against action in cigarettes in their book Merchants of Doubt.
But one must go on! Several of Howard’s
statements are gratuitous, several are misrepresentations. That is not to say
that the contribution of innovation and advance of technology, on which he
relies, are to be put aside. Tristan Edis at Climate Spectator has sensibly paid attention to that.
But Howard’s principal statements must be identified
for what they are.
He casts the science as another religion. We have
been there before. It is a conscious and complete misrepresentation of the
nature of science and of terms like consensus and belief. We should remember
that Howard presented numerous annual Prime Minister’s science prizes. We would
be straining credulity to concede that he does not actually understand the
basics of science. Unless he never read the speeches he had to make beforehand.
To suggest that the climate scientists’ statements are “sanctimonious” and that
the term “denier” has some overtone of intimidation is to misrepresent the
meanings of words and the nature of the discourse.
Howard misrepresents the present state of
scientific understanding by branding it as a mantra, as a set of views to be
not denied. And
he asserted, “In the past five years, the dynamic of the global warming debate
has shifted away from exaggerated acceptance of the worst possible implications
of what a majority of climate scientists tell us, towards a more balanced, and
questioning approach.” Rubbish! Dangerous stupid rubbish!
“Global warming is a
quintessential public policy issue. Understanding the science is crucial; so is
understanding the economics ...”
Indeed! Good public
policy requires clear understanding. Global warming is indeed quintessential
public policy issue. Understanding the science is crucial; so is understanding
the economics; the argument cannot proceed in the absence of that. Howard does
not understand the nature of science just as he does not understand the nature
of history in his criticism of Australian history in the Australian school
curriculum. In fact he does not understand the nature of truth as it is used in
He shows that with
these statements. “The flood of emails coming from the University of East
Anglia, the admitted errors regarding the Himalayan Glaciers, as well as the
nakedly political agendas of some of those allegedly giving impartial
scientific advice have degraded the image of the IPCC as the unchallengeable
body of scientific experts on global warming.
“And the most recent
IPCC Report has produced a grudging admission that the warming process has been
at a standstill for the past 15 years. But we are assured that is only
There have been eight independent
enquiries into the leaked (hacked) emails from the University of East Anglia
Climatic Research Unit: all show there was no evidence of scientific misconduct.
Howard’s statement is disingenuous!
The IPCC has admitted
that the statements that Himalayan glaciers would melt away by 2035 was based
not on peer-reviewed science but on a media interview in 1999: the large
Himalayan glaciers could not melt in a few decades. But the evidence now is
absolutely clear: there is substantial retreat, just as there is of Arctic ice.
And the latest IPCC
assessment is not grudging, it is as cautious as always: the probability that
climate change has been caused by humans has now been ramped up to 95%. Anyone
not understanding the high level of certainty involved in that needs to “go
have a ear examination” as jazz man the late Roland Kirk would have said.
The statement, “the
warming process has been at a standstill for the past 15 years” is standard
denier talk and relates to very high temperatures in 1998: this has been
grabbed hold of to assert that the earth is cooling, not warming. Wrong! Research by Judith
Lean, of the US Naval Research Laboratory, and David Rind, of NASA's Goddard
Institute for Space Studies published in 2009 shows the relative stability in global temperatures in the last seven years is explained primarily by the
decline in incoming sunlight associated with the downward phase of the 11-year
solar cycle, together with a lack of strong El Niño events. These trends have
masked the warming caused by CO2 and other greenhouse gases.
Karoly at the University of Melbourne, an internationally recognised expert on interannual climate variations due to
El Niño-Southern Oscillation has pointed out that at short time scales, natural variability can offset that
warming influence and cause short-term cooling. Global average temperatures
have fallen over the six years to 2008 due to natural variations, with the warmth
in 2002 and in 1998 due to El Niño events and the recent La Niña causing colder
temperatures in 2007 and 2008. The long-term warming trend is unequivocal.
And Mr Howard's economics itself amounts to a mantra based on a naive view of the world and bad math. He draws upon the probable growth in the world’s human population and the trends in prosperity to envisage that a quarter of the world’s population will be lifted out of poverty. By economic growth!
And Mr Howard's economics itself amounts to a mantra based on a naive view of the world and bad math. He draws upon the probable growth in the world’s human population and the trends in prosperity to envisage that a quarter of the world’s population will be lifted out of poverty. By economic growth!
Ongoing economic
growth will not deliver ongoing economic benefits to the general population. The
only people who believe that are fools and economists. (Not my words.) The
world’s resources are limited and significant resources can continue to be
exploited unsustainably only to the detriment of humanity. That is in fact what
climate change is all about!
Howard ignores
distinguished economists including Nobel prizewinner George Akerlof, Lord Stern, Ross Garnaut and a host of other economists around the
world. Interestingly Akerlof years ago pointed to sensible risk management as
had others: if climate change does not occur then taking the steps now will
nevertheless not cost very much. But if it does occur and we have not taken
steps to mitigate the effects, the costs will be horrendous.
More to the point, lifting
of people out of poverty is not achieved simply economic growth! The
proposition that general prosperity results from economic growth is a fallacy
promoted by the adherents of neoclassical economics. United Nations Human
Development Reports make it abundantly clear that where poverty has been alleviated
it has been through cross border transfer of ideas and government intervention
through carefully management strategies!
John Howard, like many
who rail against the science of climate change, is defending his preconceived
views developed over many years, views which are the basis of his political
views. To accept contrary views would lead to political isolation, he would be
left wandering about in an intellectual and emotional desert.
Howard, like some of his colleagues such as
former Senator Nick Minchin are not agnostics, they are deniers. They might not
like the term but that is not relevant. For a person in his position, John
Howard’s statements are not just personal opinions. The are statements of a
person held in high regard by many: the statements are grossly irresponsible
and should be seen as such. The future of humanity depends on ignoring them. As
ABC commentator Jonathan Green points out Howard’s and the new Government’s, view propel us into a realm
propelled purely by political necessity.
The latest analysis by Sinclair Knight Merz (SKM)
by principal consultant Walter Gerardi shows that we have to work hard at
diminishing emissions, including replacing carbon fuels in energy generation,
if Australia’s emissions target is to be reached. Assuming no mitigation policy
is in place emissions are expected to grow by 15% on current levels by 2020. “Fugitive
emissions are expected to have the most rapid growth, around 58 per cent, due
to expanded coal mining and increased production of LNG.” Gas prices are rising
which acts as a barrier to entry of new gas-based energy generation. A large share
of the abatement would have to occur in the energy generation sector, according
to SKM.
Meanwhile the BBC reports that warming gases have reached a record high and the largest storm in three decades is this week hitting the Philippines. The change of
government in Australia has seen several bodies concerned with climate change
disbanded as legislation to abandon the carbon price is being prepared for
tabling in the Parliament.
The Australian government cancelled the
traditional briefings given to businesses, diplomats and environmental
organisations before the upcoming United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change annual meetings in Warsaw; Australia will be represented at the meetings by the Ambassador for Climate Change.
The Prime Minister and the Foreign Minister will attend a government
heads of government meeting in Sri Lanka. (Canada will not attend that meeting and India will be represented at Foreign Minister level because of concerns about human rights practices of the Sri Lanka government.)
Large numbers of staff in CSIRO, those on temporary
appointments, are to lose their jobs as a consequence of the Government’s freeze
on replacing staff in the public service. There are those who claim that the
future of humanity depends to a significant extent on ongoing scientific
research. However, Prime Minister Abbott said in his interview with Lally
Weymouth of the Washington Post recently that defence expenditure would be
increased to 2% of GDP when the budget is stronger!
This post was last updated 11:12am 12 November 2013
This post was last updated 11:12am 12 November 2013
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