The approach to education reform intended by the
new Government, as enunciated especially by Education Minister Pyne, is based
on serious misunderstandings of the nature of education and the latest
contribution to knowledge about it. "People need to understand that the
government has changed in Canberra, that we're not simply administering the
previous government's policies or views”.
The National Plan for School Improvement passed
by the Parliament in June represents substantial advances over the existing
school education system. Save Our School’s
Trevor Cobbold
points to the priority given in the Plan to reducing disadvantage.
The Plan breaks the link between government and
private schools which allowed that every time state governments increased
funding for disadvantaged students in government schools, a portion of it
flowed through to private schools. The funding for disadvantaged schools is
unfortunately spread more broadly than the Gonski Panel recommended. The reduction of funding to universities in order to fund the Plan is
very unfortunate.
Five areas of concern arise from the statements
by Minister Pyne about school education. They are first, the proposition that
‘the present model is not broken’, then the influence of standardised testing,
the nature of school leadership, the nature of effective learning and teaching
and the nature of the disciplines which form the curriculum, especially
history, and the ways they are taught.
The present model is broken! Gonski Panel
member Kathryn Greiner said that strongly in an interview on ABC’s RN. The
evidence is clear: the disparity between the achievement of Australian kids in
well resourced city schools and those in less advantaged schools and from less
advantaged backgrounds, especially in remote areas and in indigenous
communities, is amongst the highest in OECD countries and is growing.
Standardised testing does not improve student achievement. The main argument is that the tests help improve student achievement.
However, variation of scores within a school is substantial so that comparison
of schools is near meaningless: scores vary from year to year and subject to
subject. School league tables are meaningless!
Attempts to link test scores to teacher
performance: a survey of over
200 New York City public schools by Roland Fryer of Harvard University’s
Department of Economics in 2011 found no evidence whatsoever that teacher incentives
increase student performance, attendance, graduation or teacher behaviour.
Study after study and commentary after commentary have strongly criticised the
emphasis on test scores. They have negative effects on student health and
wellbeing, as found by the Whitlam Institute. Standardised tests narrow the
curriculum. The US group Common Core found a rich
curriculum to be the distinguishing feature of school systems in countries
whose students did well.
Adults reflecting on their positive recollections
of schooling talk of teachers who inspired them by the genuine concern for
their individual achievement! How much of Minister Pyne’s policies reflect
that, the fact that teacher’s views of student performance are in fact superior
to the results of standardised tests and that in countries whose students do
well in international tests, teachers are trusted?
School leadership is not management or administration. The Abbott government and its supporters have praised the emergence of
‘independent’ public schools scheme started recently in Western Australia. This
and policies of several state governments announced in the last year or so
intend to give school principals greater control over budgets and hiring of
teachers. The PISA reports make clear that the independence for schools which
raises student achievement is not achieved by increasing the administrative
burden. Effective school leadership is the same as for leadership in any
organisation: strong support for teaching staff including setting high
performance standards and developing good relations with the community as is
shown in longitudinal studies in disadvantaged south Chicago.
The support for independent schools has led to
greater homogeneity in classes as schools better resourced by federal
government, student fees and private support attract already advantaged
students leaving less advantaged to the meanness of struggling public schools
and their dedicated but struggling teachers.
That the average scores of students in the
highest quartile in the international tests administered by the PISA program
have declined is surely evidence that the reforms of the Howard Government and
its support for independent schools have not worked. Socioeconomic background
of the class can make a difference of two years or more to the achievement of a
Effective learning is student-centred. Mr Pyne favours replacing student-centred learning with a ‘more
didactic approach’ to teaching and said so on ABC TV’s Q&A . It ignores the
evidence from studies by Stanford’s Jonathan Osborne together with Deakin
University’s Russell Tytler and by University of Pittsburgh’s Lauren Resnick
about genuine engagement of students in discussion: argumentation and
‘accountable talk’.
That teaching has been didactic and devoid of any
human element is a significant reason why history and science teaching so often
fails. It ignores the importance of meaningful feedback, as opposed to
indiscriminate praise, by teachers to student as revealed by Melbourne
University’s John Hattie and Helen Timperley of Auckland University and
research in England. And it ignores the importance of intrinsic motivation
revealed by University of Sydney’s Andrew Martin.
A challenging and engaging curriculum is essential. Minister Pyne, like Prime Minister Howard, criticises history curricula
for promoting ‘left-leaning’ views.
History and science and every area of knowledge
are evolving all the time, new themes and new views emerge, older theories are
overturned. If curricula are to be alive and engaging new understandings from
new research must be incorporated.
In areas considered difficult special efforts
must be made: distinguished mathematics educator Celia Hoyles from the UK,
speaking at a conference on curricula two years ago, recommended an extra
specialist math teacher in every school. Australian students don’t do all that
well in mathematics as shown by the latest OECD study of adult literacy and
numeracy: Hoyle’s comments went unreported!
The traditional approach to education results in school
leavers being able to repeat learned facts but cannot engage in analysis of the
issues involved in those domains of knowledge. Those qualities are considered
to be essential by many employers outside the fast food and similar industries.
The overall approach of the Coalition’s education
policies completely ignores the critical importance of early childhood,
relationships of the very young child with the mother and the vital importance
of the education of girls and support for mothers. The latest Human Development
Report, for 2013, from the United Nations points out that a mother’s education
level is more important to child survival than is household income.
The single greatest contribution to improving
educational achievement would be support for early childhood including
preschool and interventions such as equitable access to parental leave. The
gains are particularly strong for children from disadvantaged backgrounds:
provision of qualified preschool teachers is essential. It is not
By next year, according to the 2008 National
Partnership Agreement on Early Childhood Education every child should have
access set a target of all children in the year before they attend formal
schooling should have access to pre-school delivered by a university qualified
early childhood teacher for 15 hours a week, 40 weeks a year. Support for these
agreements is essential.
Education does not, by itself, diminish poverty!
Actor and comedian Tim Minchin said much more
interesting things about education at the University of Western Australia.
Like, “life
is best filled by learning as much as you can about as much as you can, taking
pride in whatever you’re doing, having compassion, sharing ideas, running(!),
being enthusiastic”.
of this education reform is just the unwinding of intelligence and creativity!
Pyne could learn a great deal just by listening to ABC RN programs.
This post is also on my website. A longer version is on On Line Opinion
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